I'm still working on my project idea...
I'm going to do an alphabet book with (hopefully) a comical spin on the animals that are depicted by the letters… I am still sketching out some roughs to see what will work best with the time I have.
I will post photos soon...
***Update! 11-29-12***
My book title is: The Don't Like ABCs
It will be an ebook so I have more time to work on it.
Here is a snapshot of one of the illustrations I drew out...
Alligators don't like Apples
I'm giving the apples a punch of color and doing the lettering in photoshop.
More later... Busy!!! ;)
***Update! 11-29-12***
My book title is: The Don't Like ABCs
It will be an ebook so I have more time to work on it.
Here is a snapshot of one of the illustrations I drew out...
Alligators don't like Apples
I'm giving the apples a punch of color and doing the lettering in photoshop.
More later... Busy!!! ;)